about us
We believe in the power of data to help improve people’s lives. Partnering with clients, we find solutions that deliver value. Data-driven insights are not just a buzzword with JetWolfe Labs as the goal of every project is to provide actionable information whether that is for a consulting engagement looking to optimize sales forecasting or building an iOS app to change an individual’s health habits. Each project we take on is unique and we know that with the vast amount of personalization available, a one-size-fits-all approach will not work. Our work is all about facilitating decisions and providing the best information possible to ensure an answer can be found with the right approach.
JetWolfe Labs was founded on the belief that predictive software solutions can lead to superior outcomes. We look to find answers from users and employ a human-centered data design and development mentality, recognizing that every click, tap, and transaction reflect intent that can dramatically alter the course of a business, nonprofit or government agency. Understanding the why behind a question is what we aim to determine.

Our Services
When trying to better understand all of the data at your fingertips, JetWolfe Labs looks at how to ensure your organization captures, stores, processes and utilizes information in the best way possible. Creating a comprehensive strategy that outlines the necessary steps to build an organization centered on data optimization requires more than better understanding website traffic or digital advertising clicks. Understanding all the different touchpoints involved with internal and external stakeholders that create a data point are crucial to improving organizational strategy.
Buying a suite of analytics software does not solve the problem of extracting insights from your data. Empowering the people at your organization to use data analytics software is one of our core offerings as we know that internal resources are some of the best problem solvers as they understand the challenges you face on a day-to-day basis. Teaching internal stakeholders how to best utilize the resources you invest in guarantees success moving forward.
The data any organization gathers can be structured or unstructured, requiring analysts to acquire the organization's data from a variety of sources before extracting it and loading into a database system. Cleaning and transforming the data confirms that you are not working with missing records, duplicate entries or invalid material which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive but is critical for getting the right answers for the questions you want answered. Data analysis is done in partnership with all of our clients since we always strive to find the information is important to you as well as gather general insights from the data we are examining. Building predictive models using machine learning requires domain knowledge and we believe that our clients are the people who can best provide the domain knowledge necessary to make a project successful.
Every organization needs to plan for the future. Through a process of data mining, probability analysis and machine learning engineering, we strive to ensure organizations successfully forecast possible outcomes. Building models that allow organizations to take advantage of their data is one of the key competencies of JetWolfe Labs and we believe in letting organizations design blueprints that solve tomorrow's problems today.
Making data actionable requires making it presentable. Data visualizations distill information in a way that makes for an easy to understand story. Well-designed visuals convey what your data is saying and offer proper context in a compelling manner. Simplifying complexity while allowing users access to all levels of information drive the data design philosophy at JetWolfe Labs as we believe each individual should be able to understand what they are looking at right away while having the ability to search through as many layers of material as they want.
Developing software that is underpinned with data and the ability to learn from that data is a key philosophical tenet of JetWolfe Labs. Using predictive algorithms and deriving key insights to inform the software’s functionality and UX provides an incredible experience for every user. More importantly though, each user should be able to take an informed action with the data available and thus, we believe in creating decision tools that take in and process information while providing a path forward.

We want to hear from you and help in any way we can to realize the potential for your organization to solve problems with data. Feel free to leave us a message and we will respond to you as soon as possible.